It has taken quite a long time - I’m middle-aged now, but I finally understand and appreciate the phrase “with myself.”
For several years, since the catastrophic break up with my ex-the narc-I wanted to be able to be alone.
I think even before I met him and dated for several years after my divorce, I still wanted to feel with myself, I know that that is what I was desperately searching for with companionship.
I had frequently heard the phrase: I am not alone, not lonely. I am not all alone but I am with myself.
And I envied those who really felt like that.
It was what I was working towards but I wasn’t there yet.
I am finally there.
I spend so much time with alone, or with my books.
And I enjoy it.
My neighbors and other older women frequently ask me - is someone going with you? or Did you go to the movies all by yourself? Or travel by yourself or go out to eat by yourself?
I just smile and say yes, all by myself.
I can be a big girl and do things all be myself. :)
And I can enjoy my own company and the company of characters and other memoirs of people who I will never meet.
And you know what?
It’s a lot more peaceful and calm. It’s serene.
I can finally enjoy other’s company without using them as a regulation for my own emotional well being and self worth.
I function on my own.
And the more I’ve done that—the more I heal, the less and less I find that I actually want to be around people. I don’t covet others and their large and extended families, marriages and children any more.
In fact, I quite enjoy my life. It’s taken a while. But I am content with existence. No longer desperate to escape, to self-medicate, to try to distract myself and be with others even when they’re absolutely terrible company.
I am happy alone.
This healing stuff is pretty awesome.
Thank God.
Sounds like you’ve been given the “gift” of solitude. The last thing you said attests to this. Solitude is to become aware of (as well as comfortable with) being “alone” with God…