Journeying through the Hormonal Changes in Life
I’m not entirely certain if I’ve entirely entered the perimenopausal state but I do know I’m close to crossing that bridge. I also have realized that in the last 2 years or so my metabolism is slowing and my weight distribution has shifted.
I follow Bodi (formerly known as Beachbody) trainers and have done several of their programs over the years through membership.
This past year a trainer I follow - Autumn Calabrese launched a new program geared towards women’s hormone health.
The results of the ladies were astounding. It wasn’t just weight loss and building muscle. But it was the raves about how great everyone felt with increased energy levels and where they lost their weight- in the belly/mid section.
I wanted to learn more about this. I didn’t come to the program because of major menopausal symptoms like sweating, hot flashes, mood swings, sudden weight gain, etc, but gradual shifts.
I am also most interested to know how I might feel my best.
I had always thought hormones were something you had or didn’t and only the major focus for those in the full ride of menopause dealing with HRT or not. I also didn’t realize you could help control them and that they would make such a different in metabolism, weight loss, mood, energy levels.
I highly recommend the program, which comes with supplements to help with stress support and blood sugar control and equipment to mirror Pilates equipment.
But - what I found most staggering in making a difference in how I feel - that I wouldn’t have thought would make Such. a. Big. Difference. are the following -
1-Breaking your fast with water/hydration to start, then with a breakfast of protein, healthy fats and veggies. Before your caffeine.
2-Limiting the caffeine (this was the hardest- cutting waaay down on my coffee or to decaf) to 200 mg a day. Because your adrenals are taxed with overly caffeinating yourself.
3-I replaced sparkling water (this was also challenging and a great love of my life) with regular water and limiting the carbonated treat to one per day. (Though I don’t even do that now).
4-Intermittent Fasting. 12-13-14 hours a day.
5-Stress management - breathing, meditation, yoga, etc
They alternate between carb cycling and carb depletion - ie -when you consume your limited carbs.
I eat a lot and I’m surprised at how full I’ve been given the fasting and the cutting down on sugar (less than 5g per day) and carbs.
I know my fullness is because I get to eat a lot of veggies and healthy amounts of oils, healthy fats and proteins.
The program calls for alcohol -even for you non-alcoholics- as it’s bad for your liver. And there is the point to get your gut health right first. I already had done this with probiotics and prebiotics and eliminating artificial sweeteners and things that are terrible for your gut health/microbiome.
But I didn’t know that any body that has alcohol in it - since it’s a poison/toxin, the body needs to deal with that first before absorption of anything else, or other healthy nutrients.
It sounds intense. I guess it is.
But, so is not feeling great.
I’ve been dancing to class and around, feeling energized and lighter and happier. I’m more muscular and learner but also my mood and overall wellness has improved so much.
I never thought I’d say it - but it’s definitely worth the no corn, gluten, dairy or soy. I find that I love coconut milk and coconut milk yogurt.
Because even a week in and for many (others, not just me) - 5+ pounds down - the energy and refresh from even that short of a time is a noticeable difference.
That’s my latest health and wellness journey that I’m excited about and thankful for.
Who knew I could gain a better control of my hormones, metabolism, energy levels and overall wellness before diving into perimenopause and menopause?
But, I’m so glad I did.
Because my body feel so fucking good.