It’s hokey, but have you heard that saying - what you resist, persists?
I resisted for so long not wanting to be alone - either trying to be in a relationship, constantly communicating with people or befriending people I didn’t truly recognize for their characteristics and personality. Because I was desperate to try to emotionally regulate myself by proximity to people. To manage anxiety, to feel less isolated, alone, abandoned and depressed.
It took a long time but one thing I realized, after a lot of heart-ache, was that there are so many people - ones I was in relationships with and ones I was friends with that made truly even more alone. They made me feel even lonelier.
And I had to grow to stop looking outside of myself for that comfort.
I resisted being alone - the fear of what that would mean. After having seen co-dependence modeled growing up, and women yolked to their men - husbands and children, I emulated that, defying my mother’s wisdom and marrying too young. (Do as I say not as I do, did not apply for me in this area, unfortunately. I was hell bent on getting hitched before I knew myself or had grown up. I attached my self to a very good person but we had a very co-dependent relationship.
I resisted being alone, fearful, not knowing how to just…be.
I drank to stop feeling so alone, so abandoned by my family.
I drank to self-medicate and to escape reality.
I was blind to much of what was happening around me and to people I was close to and the comments they made even to my face, extending benefit of the doubt that I know scratch my head at -
Why didn’t I think that comment was revealing to their true personality and colors?
Why did I never learn that jokes weren’t aren’t all kidding but contain the elements of truth that people try to soften by minimizing it as “just a joke.”
Why didn’t I believe that we ought to really believe who people are when they show us?
If I had taken them at face-value and to heart, I wouldn’t have felt so gullible now, so vulnerable, so oblivious.
But, my ability to see all of this clearly was certainly clouded - anesthesized, traumatized, in a fog.
I resisted being alone, and I am now - more alone than I ever thought possible. I have wonderful people but they don’t live around me. I have a few people who form my community here.
I was thinking about that saying because I also recall hearing that you will keep making the mistake again and again, re-injuring yourself, suffering in the pain, until you learn the lesson -
I have learned oh, so many lessons, that took me a while to learn.
Most importantly, I realize that - now that I am finally on my own side, and clear-minded in sobriety, having undergone a lot of therapy, and gotten some perspective -
And while I am very alone now, that’s not a bad place to be.
With myself.
I realize that I much prefer it to the company of many others. I prefer my books and myself and my small corner of the world, where I can be kind and of service to others, and be genuine with them, because I am now genuine with myself.
I resisted solitude and it persisted. Even when I had company - I was still alone. Until I found myself. Until I calmed my central nervous system down. Until I surrendered to God. Until I got sober. Until I learned I am with myself and I’m an interesting person to hang out with.
I used to wish I had a lot more people in my life, family and friends and community. I very rarely feel that way anymore, which is a huge shift for me.
I now realize that the quality of the people matters - myself included.
Being alone is not the worst thing.
The worst thing is being with others who make you feel alone -
I am not alone now, nor lonely.
I am cocooned and I am fulfilled.
Thankful and way more introverted than I ever could have imagined.
I hear you. It is powerful how the simplest messages can have the most profound upside inside ourselves when we are ready.
What you say is so true! Thank you for sharing your experience and learning! Being alone can be great when you enjoy your own company and so much better than being with people who aren’t healthy to be with!